Criminal Defense
Facing criminal charges can be a frightening and confusing experience. With so many potential consequences and a lasting impact on your future on the line, turning to an experienced lawyer for assistance combating the charges can be a vital step in limiting the damage caused by a conviction.
At The Robinson Law Firm P.C., our attorneys work diligently to limit the damage caused by criminal charges. With over 25 years of defending and prosecuting criminal cases, we now solely defend using our prosecution experience to recognize the weaknesses of the prosecutor’s case. Our firm is able to address even the most serious and complex charges, as well as a simple DUI and/or illegal drug paraphernalia or possession of drugs charge.
Let Our Experience Speak
With over 25 years of defending and prosecuting criminal cases, we now solely defend using our prosecution experience to recognize the weaknesses of the prosecutor’s case. We are well versed in negotiating satisfactory plea arrangements, but will assertively defend you in court should an acceptable plea not be possible.
From the beginning, we can minimize the exposures and ramifications caused by criminal charges, including:
Assault and battery
Assault with a deadly weapon
Drug possession
Child Molestation
Traffic Violations
Juvenile Crimes
White Collar Crimes

Protecting Your Rights And Your Future Against DUI Charges
Facing DUI charges in Alabama can be a challenging and frightening experience. DUI offenders face mandatory license suspension, possible jail time, community service, drug and alcohol education programs, and steep fines. The social and personal consequences of a DUI can also greatly impact your life as you must deal with the increased insurance premiums, limited career options, and social stigma that are associated with a DUI conviction. When facing DUI charges, it is often wise to consult an experienced lawyer for advice on combating the penalties associated with a conviction.
At The Robinson Law Firm, P.C., our attorney leverages to offer effective DUI representation to clients in the St. Clair County and surrounding areas. Dedicated to helping you protect your wallet, your freedom and your future from these charges, our staff works diligently to examine the prosecution’s case for weaknesses or discrepancies that can be exploited in your favor. Our knowledge of St. Clair County courts, prosecutors and judges offers us the ability to provide the advice you need to make informed decisions on your defense.
Contact our office online or call 205-594-5133 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your DUI defense today.